
Child Custody Agreement during Covid


Child Custody Agreement During COVID-19: What You Need to Know

The coronavirus pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes in our daily routines and has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. For parents who are separated or divorced, the pandemic has added an additional layer of complexity in terms of child custody arrangements. With social distancing measures in place, parents are finding it difficult to navigate the situation.

If you are in a co-parenting situation, you may have several questions about child custody agreements during COVID-19. Here’s what you need to know:

Follow Court Orders

The first thing that parents must understand is that court orders regarding custody and visitation remain in effect during the pandemic. While you may be tempted to change the agreement to avoid unnecessary exposure, it is essential to follow the court order. If you wish to make any changes to the visitation schedule, it must be done with the approval of the court.

Communication is Key

Effective communication between co-parents is crucial during this time. You may need to adjust the schedule to accommodate your child’s school schedule or even reduce travel time. Discussing these issues with your ex-spouse is essential to ensure the best interest of your child. It is essential to keep communication respectful and avoid conflicts.

Virtual Visitation

With social distancing measures in place, it may not be possible for in-person visits. However, it is crucial for your child to maintain contact with both parents, even during the pandemic. Consider virtual visitation options, such as video calls, FaceTime, or Skype. Virtual visits can provide a sense of normalcy and help your child feel connected to both parents.

Stay Safe

Your child`s safety should be your top priority. It is necessary to follow safety protocols and guidelines issued by local health officials. If a parent becomes ill, they should inform the other parent immediately. It is essential to make necessary adjustments to ensure that your child remains safe.


The pandemic has brought about challenges for parents who are co-parenting. However, it is crucial to follow court orders, communicate effectively, and take necessary precautions to ensure your child`s safety. Remember that these are unusual times, and the situation may require flexibility and understanding from both parents.

If you have any questions about child custody agreements during COVID-19, consult a family law attorney for guidance.



