
Pronoun Reference Agreement Worksheet for Grade 6


Pronoun reference agreement is an important grammar concept that students in grade 6 must learn. It refers to the proper use of pronouns in sentences, where the pronoun must agree in number and gender with the noun it replaces. For example, “He took his bag and left” is a grammatically correct sentence because “he” agrees in gender with “his.” However, “They took her bags and left” is incorrect because “they” is plural and “her” is singular. To help students master this skill, teachers can provide them with a pronoun reference agreement worksheet.

A pronoun reference agreement worksheet can include various exercises that require students to identify and correct errors in sentences. The exercises can be multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, or rewriting sentences. For example, a multiple-choice question can ask students to choose the correct pronoun to complete a sentence: “The girl ____ studying for her exam.” A) is B) are C) am D) was. The correct answer would be “was” because “girl” is singular and requires a singular pronoun.

Another exercise could ask students to fill in the blanks in a sentence: “The boys played with ____ toys all day.” Students would need to choose between “their” or “his,” depending on whether the boys are referred to as a group or individuals. If they are individuals, the correct answer would be “his.” If they are a group, the correct answer would be “their.”

Lastly, a sentence-rewriting exercise can require students to rewrite a sentence to correct the pronoun agreement. For example, “The team won the game. They celebrated afterward” could be rewritten as “The team won the game. It celebrated afterward.” This exercise helps students understand the importance of clarifying the antecedent (the noun that the pronoun refers to) to ensure proper pronoun reference agreement.

In conclusion, pronoun reference agreement is an essential grammar concept for students to master in grade 6. A pronoun reference agreement worksheet can help them practice and reinforce this skill. It is important for teachers to ensure that the exercises are comprehensive, engaging, and aligned with their students` learning needs. By doing so, students can improve their writing and communication skills and become more confident in their grammar abilities.



