
Subject Verb Agreement Lesson Plan Grade 8


Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English language grammar. It ensures that sentences make sense and that the intended meaning is clear. For students in grade 8, mastering subject-verb agreement is vital for their writing, speaking, and comprehension skills. Here is a sample lesson plan for teaching subject-verb agreement to grade 8 students.


By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

• Identify subjects and verbs in sentences.

• Recognize singular and plural subjects and verbs.

• Make subjects and verbs match in number.


• Whiteboard, markers, and eraser.

• Handouts with sentences that require subject-verb agreement corrections.

• A PowerPoint presentation with examples of subject-verb agreement in sentences.


1. Engage the class by asking them to identify the subject and verb in a given sentence. For instance, “The dog barks.” The subject is “the dog,” and the verb is “barks.”

2. Show a PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate correct subject-verb agreement in various examples.

3. Explain that subject-verb agreement involves ensuring that singular subjects match singular verbs, and plural subjects match plural verbs.

4. Provide handouts with sentences containing errors in subject-verb agreement. For example, “The girls is playing soccer.”

5. Ask the students to work in pairs and identify the errors and then re-write the sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

6. After a few minutes, ask the students to share their corrected sentences with the rest of the class.

7. Review the corrected sentences as a class, ensuring that the proper subject-verb agreement is applied.

8. Provide more sentences for the students to practice in pairs and then share with the class.

9. As a wrap-up, ask the students to come up with their original sentences, ensuring that the subject and verb match correctly.


Assessment can be done through a quiz or test to evaluate the students` understanding of subject-verb agreement rules and their application in sentence construction.


Subject-verb agreement is essential for clear and effective communication in written and spoken English. By using this lesson plan, grade 8 students can improve their writing, speaking, and comprehension skills. As a copy editor, it is vital to understand the rules of subject-verb agreement and to apply them to written content, ensuring clear and effective communication to readers.



